I Would Be Happy in The Country


If I lived in the country I would be happy.

If I lived in the country, it would be quiet for reading.  I would have a lot of room to play games.  I could also have horses.  I would like to ride horses in the fresh grass.

But, if I lived in the country, it would take so long to get to school.  Also my friends would be living far away.  There are also no deliveries for pizza.

But, my choice would be to live in the country.

by Acadia

3 Responses to “I Would Be Happy in The Country”

  1. Catherine Says:

    I love your picture. I have al ways wonted a horse.

  2. Esa Says:

    I like the country too! We could make our own pizza. I also like your picture. I always wanted a horse when I was a kid.

  3. Carol, ASAP Secretary Says:

    Hi Acadia, what a wonderful job! You write and draw so beautifully!
    I hope you come for a visit to the office sometime soon with your mom!

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