Triangle Park


My favorite place in my community is Triangle Park.  This is partly because my whole family goes to play there.  It is also because there is a creek there and the creek is very relaxing.  At Triangle Park there are trees that are awesome for climbing.  I feel like I can see beyond the universe when I’m in the trees.  The creek there is also very relaxing because when I’m there I can listen to the swishing of water rushing.  At Triangle Park I feel happy, relaxed, and calm.

by Lexi

4 Responses to “Triangle Park”

  1. rose Says:

    very COOL!!!!!

  2. Alexis Says:

    I love all the detail you put into your picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hannah Says:

    Hi Lexi I love how many details you put into your picture of triangle park from Hannah

  4. Seneca Says:

    I like how your hole family goes there! and I agree the creek is fun!!!
    from seneca!!!!

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